Au coeur des glaces
pour chœur mixte, trio à cordes et piano
Au coeur du son
pour violon et orchestre
Au Revoir La Belle Epoque
for String Quartet
String Quartet (2 Violin / Viola / Cello)Auguries
for six violins
Auprès et au loin
pour trio
Aurora sul Lago di Garda
for solo violin
Solo ViolinAve Maria (Dona nobis pacem)
for soprano, tenor, solo violin, organ and (optional) SATB chorus
Two Voices, With Chorus + Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), Keyboard / String BowedaXenas (2002-I)
for clarinet, cello, percussion and piano
aXents (2003-I)
pour ensemble instrumental et sons électroacoustiques
aXions (2002-II)
for voice, violin, double bass, percussion and electroacoustic sounds
for viola and piano
for Violin and Piano
Bagatelles for flute/alto flute, cello, and piano
for flute/alto flute, cello, and piano
for flute/alto flute, cello, and pianoBallad
for cello and piano
for French horn, cello and piano
Banjo Suite
for Banjo and String Quartet
Mixed Chamber Ensembles (1 to 9 Performers), Quintets, Plectral String(s) / Bowed String(s)Bargaining
for string quintet & harp
for 'cello and tape / pour violoncelle et bande
Bathurst Suite
for string trio
for flute, violoncello, and piano
Mixed Trios, Woodwind / Keyboard / Bowed StringBear Wald Septet, opus 325
for clarinet, horn, bassoon, violin, viola, cello, and double bass
for solo cello
Bend Willow Branch
for flute, oboe and cello
Bend Willow Branch
for flute, clarinet, and cello
for solo violin
Strings (bowed), Solo / Ensemble, ViolinBestiare de Guillaume Appolinaire
for SATB choir, violin and vibraphone
Choir (9 + Voices) with Chamber Ensemble (2 - 9 Performers), Percussion / Bowed String(s)Beyond Time for violin and piano
for violin and piano
for violin and pianoBird Island Suite
for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano
Mixed Trios, Woodwind / Keyboard / Bowed StringBirds: Soaring, Fluttering and Gliding
for solo violin
Black Burned Wood
for Soprano, Percussion, Piano and Violin doubling on viola
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