for Solo Piano
For Solo PianoFalling in the Water
for Piano and Electronics
Mama’s Painting: Louis Riel’s Dream
for two violins, viola, cello and piano
Piano Quintet (2 Violin / Viola / Cello / Keyboard)Never to Return
for string orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, String OrchestraAcross the Grasslands
for orchestra
Full Orchestra (20 or more)Spider Solitaire
for solo piano
Solo ViolinTecla
For violin, Bb clarinet/bass clarinet, percussion and piano
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Quartets, Woodwinds/Percussion, Keyboard/Bowed StringsEnglish Horn Concerto
for solo English horn and orchestra
Orchestra with Oboe / Eng. Horn SoloistFamily Sons and Dotters
for clarinet in Bb, violoncello and piano
Mixed Trios, Woodwind / Keyboard / Bowed StringVie & Quell
For String Quartet
String Quartet (2 Violin / Viola / Cello)Go to Top