8 Pieces for 8
Canadian Works for Flute Ensemble
New Canadian music sparkling with energy and virtuosity, interlaced with exquisitely serene moments, and sprinkled with humour.Thistle & Jewel, with vocalist Rebecca Campbell and composer/pianist Carol Ann Weaver, is a collection of Weaver's songs based on poetry of internationally known Mennonite-rooted poets Julia Kasdorf, Jeff Gundy, Ann Hostetler, and the young Canadian Kiera Schneider.The music of Murray Adaskin, including Sonata 'Padre e figlio' for violin and marimba.The first installment of North Winds from the Canadian Wind Band of the University of Manitoba.Constantinople weaves together threads from East-West, sacred-secular, past-present, real-mythical, high art-popular culture and much more. The strength of its underlying message is reinforced by the way Christos Hatzis challenges our expectation that its music belongs in one genre or another.Go to Top