Islands metaphorically refers to islands of place, event, and community. Many places drift in and out of consciousness over the sixty-three minutes of the CD.
Music for flute and electronics
Istvan Anhalt
Canadian Composers Portraits
Pour célébrer le centenaire de la naissance d'Istvan Anhalt, Centrediscs est fier de présenter un enregistrement de ses deux dernières œuvres orchestrales, ....the timber of those times... (... a theogony...), et Four Portraits from Memory.It was revealed unto us that man is the center of the universe
but few can now remember
J.S. Bach
6 Trio Sonatas
The Petric / Forget Duo perform J.S.Bach's Trio Sonata in G+.Jack and Mike
Hot Real-Time Electro-Acoustic Collective Composition
Jacques Hétu
Canadian Composers Portraits
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