Petros Shoujounian is an Armenian Canadian composer who focuses on orchestral, piano, chamber, and choral music. Petros Shoujounian, received the Best Modern International Award by AMFA of Los Angeles in 1999.Estria Wind Quintet presents Canadian works by Maurice Dela, Jacques Hétu, James MacDonald Gayfer, Walter Buczynski and Jean Papineau-Couture composed between 1947 and 1967.
The complete percussion music of Michael S. Horwood
"Expertly performed by the Toronto Percussion Quartet...as well as a few extra players on the larger works,...the sound quality sparkles and reveals every nuance of music that evolves from early influences by the 1960s avant-garde to a more refined style in Michael Horwood's later compositions." (Percussive Notes)Organist Patrick Wedd with the Calgary Philharmonic Orchestra perform compositions by Jean Coulthard, Joseph Jongen, & Francis Poulenc.Passionscape contains compositions written and performed during Neil Currie’s composer residency with the Saskatoon Symphony Orchestra from 1998-2001.A guitarist and composer devoted to contemporary music, Arturo Parra presents here five mixed works created in collaboration with five notorious practitioners of acousmatics.Concerto Della Donna, under the music direction of Iwan Edwards, proudly announces their album, parlez-moi, a collection of works for women voices, both accompanied and a capella, by Canadian composer Allan Bevan.Go to Top