The Dance of the Blessed Spirits features Daniel Rubinoff on saxophones, and Christopher Dawes on organ.
Canadian Organ Music / Musique canadienne pour orgue
Acclamations combines a wide variety of compositional approaches and styles from traditional avant-garde.Thinkbox, a collaborative of Windsor/Detroit artists, present the first in a series of compilations documenting the current emergence of experimental electronic music in Detroit.Pillow Scenes
Soundworks 1996-1999
Pillow Scenes, is a sound catalogue for installation based works from multimedia artist Mark Laliberte.Glass Orchestra, Toronto new music ensemble that works exclusively in the medium of glass, employing custom or hand-made instruments.Glass Orchestra, Toronto new music ensemble that works exclusively in the medium of glass, employing custom or hand-made instruments.Miguel de la Bastide is recognized throughout the world as the best flamenco guitarist in North America today.9 Visions
Chamber Music From Canada & Poland
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