Pour célébrer le centenaire de la naissance d'Istvan Anhalt, Centrediscs est fier de présenter un enregistrement de ses deux dernières œuvres orchestrales, ....the timber of those times... (... a theogony...), et Four Portraits from Memory.
Canadian Amber / Ambre Canadien
Music by Latvian-Canadian Composers
Musiques des compositeurs canado-lettonsThe Toronto Latvian Concert Association is pleased to offer this recording featuring the music of Janis Kalnins, Talivaldis Kenins, and Imant Raminsh as a tribute to the significant contribution made by Canadians of Latvian heritage to music and culture in Canada.Terry Rusling was a Canadian composer of electronic music. He also worked as an engineer for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC).In this second recording dedicated to the songs of celebrated Canadian composer Derek Holman, Canadian Art Song Project has partnered with the Aldeburgh Connection to highlight works that emerged from relationships nurtured for decades between Holman and pianists Stephen Ralls and Bruce Ubukata and tenor Colin Ainsworth.The Music of Blago Simeonov
14 works, 1960-1980
14 works by Canadian-Bulgarian composer Blago Simeonov, written between 1960-1980You Haven’t Been
Frank Horvat - piano
You Haven’t Been takes on a beautiful and captivating tone. Introspective, full of hope and despair, the music looks at this storytelling pianist’s own struggles with mental health. By getting these feelings out into the world, they are given a life all their own. You leave the experience changed.The Current Agenda
music by Frank Horvat
The Current Agenda – electro-chamber album on social justice issues. Never one to back away from what moves him, Frank Horvat is set to release his second social justice album on events and issues that have touched him greatly and that continue to affect the world we live in.Me to We
music by Frank Horvat
Me to We – neo-romantic chamber album on love and longing. An utterly emotional exploration of the potency of love. Contemporary yet romantic. With the sweeping violin of Edwin Huizinga, a minimalist piano and the most heartfelt of flute’s. This album takes you on the journey from me to we.Go to Top