Awakenings is a four-way collaboration of Canadian Composer/Performers Carol Ann Weaver and Rebecca Campbell, based on poetry by well-known Canadian Poets Di Brandt and Dorothy Livesay. The Work stems from Livesay’s 1991 limited-edition publication, « Awakening », written late in her life, which inspired Brandt’s companion piece, « Waking Up », 2001. The combined poetry leads listeners down rare paths of transition between life and death. Coming from varied musical traditions and styles, the music ranges from folk to avent garde, jazz to soundscape, groove to meditation, creating an interwoven musical/poetic web.

1. Leap Joyful

2. Tangle

3. Just Like Music

4. Impossibly

5. Fine Tunings

6. Conversations

7. Waking Early

8. Jester

9. Witchcraft

10. Nestle Me Down

11. Solstice

12. Facing the Day

13. Sweet Energy

14. The Way Out

15. Leap Joyful