Les dérives du signe
Acousmate. n (from the Greek Akousma, what is heard). Imaginary sound, or of which the cause is not seen.
acousmatic – « a sound that we can hear without knowing its cause. »
– Jérôme Peignot
acousmatic music – music which is « shot and developed in the studio, projected in halls, like cinema. »
– François Bayle
Music « to be heard without the use of visual intervention… It organizes morphologies and sonic spectra, ‘images of sound’, coming from a multiplicity of sources, but that the absence of visual identification makes anonymous, unifies and prompts a more attentive listening .. Acousmatic … is a new and autonomous art form which certainly finds in the compact disc – a genuine sound book – one of its most convincing vehicles. »
– Francis Dhomont
1. Novars
2. Chiaroscuro
3. Météores
4. Signé Dionysos