In 2005 I was lay-ordained as a Zen practitioner by Tenshin Reb Anderson, who gave me the dharma name Fuen Eigaku, or « Circle of Wind, Eternal Music ». I knew this was a particularly apt title for my interior musical life, for as a performer on a wind instrument I was fascinated by the technique of « circular breathing » (playing continuously while breathing in through the nose) as well as being drawn to cyclic music. This recording is thus a collection of my chamber music for saxophone, circles and cycles of wind that arose as expressions of the eternal sounds within.


Colin MacDonald, saxophones

Ken Cormier, piano

Stefan Hintersteininger, cello

Saxophilia Saxophone Quartet:

* David Branter, soprano saxophone

* Tony Sheppard, alto saxophone

* Julian Nolan, tenor saxophone

* Colin MacDonald, baritone saxophone