Petite priere
[voice and piano]
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsPsalm 116
[TTBB chorus]
Choral (9 with Voices), A CapellaBerceuse
Cradle song [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsConcert overture in c minor
Keyboard, Organ (Pipe or Electric), One Keyboard, Two HandsCantilene
Keyboard, Organ (Pipe or Electric), One Keyboard, Two HandsParade and miniature
for wind ensemble
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Nonets, Woodwinds/Brass/PercussionTheme from Canadian dance
Graded piano music - Grade III [piano]
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsMesse de Noel
«Deo Infanti» [chorus and orchestra, Orch. Clifford Ford]
Choral (9 with Voices), with Full OrchestraMesse de Noel
«Deo Infanti» [chorus and organ]
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsLuft
a dance in six scenes for large chamber ensemble
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra (10 to 20)Go to Top