for Orchestra
Moon Loves Its Light
Allison Angelo with Simon Docking
A collection of French mélodies and English Canadian art songs in which masterpieces by Debussy, Poulenc, Faure, and Hahn are intermingled with treasures by Canadian greats Morawetz and Somers, along with contemporary voices like Lloyd Burritt and Ian Bent, who's song, Old Moon, was specially commissioned for the CD. The CD title is from Marilyn Lerch's collection of poetry, Moon Loves Its Light, (Moraine House, 2004).The music of Montréal composer Louis Dufort ranges from a cathartic form of expressionism mostly found in his early works to organicism focusing on the inner structure of sound matter in his latest works.Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsL’histoire Du Soldat
Concerto For Contemporary Violin
works for violin and piano by Kam Kee-Yong
Works for Violin & Piano by Kam Kee Yong Ning Kam, violin David Laughton, pianoGo to Top