And hast thou glossed the Jabberwock?
a Wagnero-Pythonian romp through the looking glass
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds/Brass, Keyboard/Strings BowedStrings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, String OctetStill life
for solo piano, with or without projected video
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsMagnificat
for unaccompanied chorus SATB
Choral (9 with Voices), A CapellaSpeaking in Tongues
for string orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, String OrchestraVariazioni: il topo senza sorriso
for chamber ensemble
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Chamber Orchestra (10 to 20)Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Concert Band/Large Wind EnsemblesBrass, with Keyboard, TromboneTrio
for violin, cello and piano
Strings, Bowed, with Keyboard, Trio (Violin/Cello/Keyboard)A walk in the forest
for 2 violins and piano
Strings, Bowed, with Keyboard, Violin DuoGo to Top