semios (2009-II)
for piano and electroacoustic sounds
String Quartet (2 Violin / Viola / Cello)Adagio, Fanfare & Allegro
for string orchestra, 2 trumpets in C and percussion
Orchestra / Large Ensembles, String Orchestra With Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble Soloistsquodlibet, stylus luxurians (1991-II)
for organ, brass and percussion
Three Meditations
for three sopranos and percussion
Three Voices, With Solo Instrument, PercussionSolo Cellopreludio (preludio) (1989-III) (1958)
para piano
plectros V (2000-I)
for prepared piano and percussion ensemble
plectros IV (1974-I)
for two pianists of opposite sex, with percussion and electronic sounds
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