The Crossing
operatic scene for mezzo soprano and baritone
a piece for glass instruments
epsilon eridani (2010-II)
for turntables, electronic percussion and electroacoustic sounds
ektenes III (1995-I)
for clarinet, tape and digital signal processing
ektenes II (1987-IV)
for oboe and percussion
ektenes I (1985-III)
for columbine and amaranth with optional tape
ekphonesis VI (1988-II)
for actress-singer, lights, electronic sounds and electronic extensions
ekphonesis V (1979-I)
for electronic sounds (with guernica visuals and instrumental drone)
ekphonesis IV (1971-III)
for electronic sounds (with guernica visuals and instrumental drone)
ekphonesis III (1969 – II)
for wind, strings and keyboard instruments, with electronic sounds and electronic extensions
ekphonesis I (1968-II)
for string and/or keyboard instrument, with voices, lights, electronic sounds and electronic extensions
…como rocas al sol… (2002-V)
for accordion and electroacoustic sounds
… ‘cantos’ rodados (2004-I) pi
for piano and electroacoustic sounds
… ‘cantos’ rodados (2004-I)
for accordion and electro-acoustic sounds
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