Journey Begun is a musical “genre-bender,” bringing together a folk/blusey singer, funk/classical pianist, groove/new music guitarist, classical/jazz bassist, and classical string quartet to create new musical fusions which set unique colors for this refreshing collection of Canadian and American poetry."These mature works point the way toward an integration of the folk and structuralist elements of Western music at the end of the twentieth century. Clearly the ideas of nationalism have not died, as long as composers such as Neceski continue to use their ethnic roots as a basis for their art." - Menon Dwarka
Music For Violin
Rivka Golani, viola and Louis-Philippe Pelletier, piano perform works by Brian Cherney.G.E.M.S. (Group of the Electronic Music Studio), initiated by John Oliver, Claude Schryer and Alcides Lanza in May, 1983, is a composer / performer chamber ensemble specializing in electroacoustic works, especially those created using the resources of the McGill University Electronic Music Studios.Improvisations
14 piano studies
Compositions by Ray Twomey
Mr. Underhill writes: "I have long been fascinated by the unusual and poetic place-names for lunar features which were created by Johannes Ricciocoli in the mid-17th century. One such name is the 'Bay of Dew' or 'Sinus Roris' in Latin. The 'Bay of Dew' is in fact a crater on the moon, but in my mind, I envisaged a tiny body of water that had been entirely created by the gradual collection of precious drops of dew as they formulated in the early morning hours."Go to Top