Different Perspectives
for SSA youth choir and string orchestra
for SSA youth choir and string orchestraArtemis for small orchestra
for small orchestra
for small orchestraNatalis Solis Invicti Birthday of the Unconquered Sun
Birthday of the Unconquered Sun
Birthday of the Unconquered SunBuddha’s Song for dizi, sheng, 2 erhu, pipa, guzheng, percussion and cello
for dizi, sheng, 2 erhu, pipa, guzheng, percussion and cello
for dizi, sheng, 2 erhu, pipa, guzheng, percussion and celloShelter 75 minute chamber opera for five voices, clarinet, electric guitar, percussion,piano, violin & double bass
75 minute chamber opera for five voices, clarinet, electric guitar, percussion,piano, violin & double bass
75 minute chamber opera for five voices, clarinet, electric guitar, percussion,piano, violin & double bassStitch an a cappella opera for 3 women and 3 sewing machines
an a cappella opera for 3 women and 3 sewing machines
an a cappella opera for 3 women and 3 sewing machinesFor Home
for orchestra
St. Michael and All Angels for organ, brass quintet and timpani by John Burge
for organ, brass quintet and timpani
for organ, brass quintet and timpanihomage a Fausto Romitelli for violin, saxophone, percussion, and piano
for violin, saxophone, percussion, and piano
for violin, saxophone, percussion, and pianoGo to Top