Orchestra/Large Ensemble, String Orchestra
for flute, viola and harp
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Trios, Woodwinds, Plectral Strings/Bowed StringsPercussion, Solo/Ensemble, with KeyboardChama
The eagle and the plumed serpent (for flute and piano)
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, Flute/PiccoloStrings, Plectral, Solo, Harp, SoloFantasy on Ja nuns hons pris
for horn, 2 trumpet, trombone, tuba and organ
Brass, with Keyboard, Misc. Septets, Octets, Nonets, Including KeyboardOrchestra/Large Ensemble, String OrchestraSolo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds, KeyboardsMixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Septets, Woodwinds/Percussion, Bowed StringsScraps
op. 120
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsGo to Top