Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Soloist, HarpOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Piano
From a different country
homage to Gabrieli, for brass quintet and orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Mixed Brass without KeyboardOrchestra/Large Ensemble, String Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Mixed Strings without KeyboardOrchestra/Large Ensemble, String Orchestra with Soloist, ClarinetTensions
a ballet for T.V.
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Soloist, Percussion SoloistOrchestra/Large Ensemble, String Orchestra with Soloist, ViolinTwo solitudes
adagio for strings and horn
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, String Orchestra with Soloist, French HornCapriccio concertante
(double concerto) for cello, piano, orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsGo to Top