Au coeur du son
pour violon et orchestre
pour accordéon et bande
Just As I Am
for violin and prepared piano
pour hautbois d’amour, harpe et bande
Gaohu Concerto No. 1, Op. 49
for Gaohu and Folk Band
Orchestra / Large Ensembles, Chamber Orchestra (10 to 20), Misc. String(s)La forêt des clameurs
Concerto pour piano et ensemble à cordes
pour piano
four pieces for solo piano
Tango Sooke
for Young String Quartet
String Quartet (2 Violin / Viola / Cello)Two Tea Bowls
for SATB (with divisi), Violoncello and Piano
Choral (9 + Voices), With Chamber Ensemble (2 - 9 Performers), Keyboard / String Bowed)Go to Top