Wood Point
Bb clarinet and piano
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, ClarinetSunday morning
for 2-part voices and piano
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsTwo songs
for alto voice and piano with flute
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Woodwinds, KeyboardsCabaret
soprano, flute, and optional electronics
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, WoodwindsDeath and lives of Pinocchio
Part IV: The cricket dialogues clarinet, percussion, violin, double bass
Staged Vocal Works, Operas, Complete Vocal ScoreIt is dangerous to read newspapers
for voice and piano; poetry by Margaret Atwood
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsNativitas
for piano
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Soloist, CelloLadders of anxiety
for flute, guitar, violin, viola, and cello
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Quintets, Woodwinds, Plectral Strings/Bowed StringsGo to Top