Devilled swan
for percussion, piano, violin and double bass
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Quartets, Percussion, Keyboard/Bowed StringsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Concert Band/Large Wind Ensembles with Soloist, SaxophoneKeyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsHallmarks
for solo flute
Woodwinds, Solo/Ensemble, Flute/PiccoloSolo Voice, with Solo Instrument, Plectral StringsSolo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, KeyboardsRomance
for trumpet and organ
Brass, with Keyboard, TrumpetKeyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Three or More HandsRequiem
For those who have died of AIDS
Solo Voice, with Chorus with Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), Woodwinds/Percussion, Plectral Strings/Strings BowedTime cycle
Yiddish suite #2 (piano reduction)
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsGo to Top