The Music The winter of 2020 has been a very different experience for all of us. The appearance of the Covid -19 Virus has led to a major disruption in many people’s lives. A major feature of this disruption for musicians has been the isolation we have had to experience given the social nature of our art. A phone conversation with a good friend and fellow musician during this time gave me the idea to compose this work for a piano trio. She suggested I write something that she and I could perform together when we can all get together again. The choice of instrumentation was driven by the fact that she is a fine clarinet player and I play the bassoon. Thus a piano trio seemed a logical choice. My friend lived and played in Scotland for many years; given my interest in the music of Scotland and Cape Breton as well, something with a Scottish influence seemed appropriate as source material for this composition. A recent trip to Cape Breton in the Fall and attendance at the Celtic Colours Music Festival provided the inspiration and the materials used in this work. The three movements feature three traditional tunes as source materials: a reel, Hamish the Carpenter, an air, Queen Mary’s Farewell, and concludes with the jig, The Trippers. These tunes form parts of many dance sets performed all across Cape Breton. I do hope you enjoy these musical postcards.