The New Soundscape a handbook for the modern music teacher
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Cote: MT 6 S28N5
Type de média: Print Music
Date de composition: 1969
Durée: 00:00:00
Éditeur: Canadian Music Centre
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Overheard in the lobby after the premiere of Beethoven’s Fifth: « Yes, but is it music? »
Overheard in the lobby after the premiere of Wagner’s Tristan: « Yes, but is it music? »
Overheard in the lobby after the premiere of Stravinsky’s Sacre: « Yes, but is it music? »
Overheard in the lobby after the premiere of Varese’s Poeme electronique: « Yes, but is it music? »
A jet scrapes the sky over my head and I ask: « Yes, but is it music? Perhaps the pilot has mistaken his profession? »