Fantasy and festivity
for solo harp
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Harp, SoloFantasy on « Blanche Comme la Neige »
for guitar
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloFantasy variations
for mandolin and guitar
Strings, Plectral, Ensemble, Mixed Ensembles, DuetStrings, Plectral, Solo, Harp, SoloFilaments
for two guitars
Strings, Plectral, Ensemble, Guitar/Lute, DuetStrings, Plectral, Ensemble, HarpStrings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloStrings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloFive van Gogh preludes for guitar solo
The Old Mill, The Grove, The Old Station, The Mulberry Tree, Two Poplars
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloFleeting Thoughts
for solo guitar
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloGo to Top