Strings, Plectral, Solo, Harp, Solo
Images of Africa
for four guitars
Strings, Plectral, Ensemble, Guitar/LuteStrings, Plectral, Ensemble, Guitar/Lute, QuartetStrings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloStrings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, Soloimpurity chains
for electric guitar
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, Soloin those apple trees
for three electric guitars and amplified dutar (or four electric guitars)
Strings, Plectral, Ensemble, Guitar/Lute, Quartetin vitro…in vivo
for solo guitar
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloGo to Top