Vile shadows
an opera in two acts
Johnny Fibber
a musical play for child audiences
Psycho Red
a dramatic 'mindscape' in music; text by Eugene Benson
The Summoning of Everyman
adapted from the 14th century morality play by Eugene Benson
Heloise and Abelard
an opera in 3 acts with libretto by Eugene Benson
The lost child
an opera in 3 Acts for television
A strange night
an opera in one Act
The death of a hired man
a chamber opera for television
The donkey’s tale
a chamber opera in two acts : op 25
The Lake
one act chamber opera for stage, radio, or television
The glove
comic opera in one act
A european lover
a musical satire disguised as an opera in one act
The troublemaker
a comic opera in one Act based on a story of the Arabian Nights
a lyric drama (music by) Clifford Ford (text by ) Kenneth Peglar
an opera in one act
The devil’s constructs
a one-act chamber opera for seven voices and four channels of prepared tape
Naked at the opera
one-act opera
The slaughter of the innocents
an opera for performance in church
radio opera in 10 scenes
Doctor Canon’s cure
an opera for young people