Louis Riel
music drama in three acts
The Lake
one act chamber opera for stage, radio, or television
Merry Christmas Stephen Leacock
A chamber opera in one act
La pagaille des violons
Opéra pour enfants en 1 acte
A christmas caroll and Alice
a playlet
The lay of Thrym
music drama in four scenes
Charlie the chicken
an operatic entertainment
Doctor Canon’s cure
an opera for young people
radio opera in 10 scenes
The slaughter of the innocents
an opera for performance in church
Naked at the opera
one-act opera
The devil’s constructs
a one-act chamber opera for seven voices and four channels of prepared tape
an opera in one act
a lyric drama (music by) Clifford Ford (text by ) Kenneth Peglar
The troublemaker
a comic opera in one Act based on a story of the Arabian Nights
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