Gossamer leaves
for clarinet and piano
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, ClarinetIntrospections
op. 12 (for recorder and harpsichord)
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, Misc. Woodwinds SoloFantasy sonata
for horn and piano
Brass, with Keyboard, HornWoodwinds, with Keyboard, ClarinetBrass, with Keyboard, HornDuo concertante # 3
for flute and piano
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, Flute/PiccoloWoodwinds, with Keyboard, BassoonPartita II
Lothar Klein (for trumpet, tuba and piano)
Brass, with Keyboard, Mixed DuosThe battle
for trumpet and piano
Brass, with Keyboard, TrumpetSonata: « Il ritorno »
op. 62 (for horn and piano)
Brass, with Keyboard, HornGo to Top