Rainshapes, op. 54
for flute, bassoon, and harp
Mixed Trios, Woodwind(s) / Plectral String(s)Sale!Puppet Song and Dance for violin and gutiar
for violin and gutiar
for violin and gutiarProliferasian
for erhu, zheng and marimba
Mixed Chamber Ensembles (1 to 9 Performers), Trios, Percussion, Plectral String(s) / Bowed String(s)Prescription Drug Nation for guitar trio and dancers
for guitar trio and dancers
for guitar trio and dancersPoema Místico
for guitar, clarinet/bass clarinet, percussion, and contrabass
Mixed Quartets, Woodwind / Percussion / Plectral String / Bowed StringPlugged 1.8
for electric guitar
Pentagonal Dance
Harp solo in 5/4 time
Solo HarpPardonnez-Moi
for Octet
Mixed Octets, Woodwind(s) / Brass / Percussion / Keyboard(s) / Plectral String(s)Go to Top