If…live/had lived/lived…would have/would/will…in Paris.
for flute, bass clarinet, guitar, piano
Mixed Chamber Ensembles (1 to 9 Performers), Quartets, Woodwind(s), Keyboard(s) / Plectral String(s)Images From Irrelevant Thoughts
for flute, harp, electric guitar, percussion, voice, and double bass
Solo Voice, With Chamber Ensemble, Woodwind(s) / Percussion, Plectral String(s)“dispersed to collect »
for classical guitar duo
Strings (plectral), Ensemble, Guitar / Lute, Duet5 Dances
for Alto Flute and Classical Guitar
Mixed Duos, Woodwind / Plectral StringRamillete de canciones populares (Petit bouquet de chansons populaires)
pour voix, harpe, guitare, violon et violoncelle
on Love to be Endured
for Satsuma Biwa with Voice
Solo Voice with Plectral StringSongs from Abbasid
for voice and guitar
Cable Time
for Octet
Mixed Octets, Woodwind(s) / Brass / Percussion / Keyboard(s) / Plectral String(s)Festival No. 8
for Octet
Mixed Octets, Woodwind(s) / Brass / Percussion / Keyboard(s) / Plectral String(s)Ironwood Blues
for Octet
Mixed Octets, Woodwind(s) / Brass / Percussion / Keyboard(s) / Plectral String(s)Go to Top