Duet of a Desire
cycle of lieder for soprano and mezzo-soprano
I Wish To Dream IV
pour voix, violon, saxophone, tuba, percussion, piano, harpe et synthétiseur DX7
Rhapsodie canadienne
pour piano et grand orchestre
Le tumulte des flots
pour piano et quatuor à cordes
Enjoying Piano!
Primary to Performers A.R.C.T. levels, preceded by composer's brief notes
Keyboard, Piano, One Keyboard, Two HandsTrio
for Viola (or Clarinet), Violoncello and Piano
Of love and time (Ren-ai to toki ni tsuite)
A Kumi-Uta for Soprano, Flute, Oboe, Violin, Viola, Violoncello and harpsichord
Exercices de conversation et de diction françaises pour étudiants américains
opéra de chambre pour soprano, ténor et baryton
Double Concerto for Erhu, Piano and Orchestra
Orchestra / Large Ensembles, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Mixed Strings With KeyboardSeven Parables of the Rising Dawn
for Mezzo Soprano and Instrumental Ensemble
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