Faustus: A SaxOpera
Chamber version for alto saxophone, harp and piano
Mixed Trios, Woodwind / Keyboard / Plectral StringLe basson fait son cirque (A Bassoon Circus)
concertino pour basson et orchestre sous forme de théâtre instrumental / a concertino stages as an instrumental theatre for solo bassoon and orchestra (version pour orchestre classique / version for classical orchestra)
for flute, bass clarinet, violin, cello, piano and electronics
Catching Air and the Superman
for keyboard, digital t-sticks and chamber orchestra
Works with Electronics / Multi-Media, Large Ensemble (10-20 Performers), Woodwind(s) / Brass / Percussion, Keyboard(s) / Bowed String(s)LABYRINTH I (INTENTIONAL MUSIC II)
for Flute (alto, bass), Clarinet in A, Percussion, Harp and String Quartet
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