Shir Hanagid
Song of the Nagid
Chatsi kaddish
for SATB chorus
Cuando el rey Nimrod
for SATB chorus
Kaddish shalem
for SATB chorus, tenor solo, piano or organ accompaniment
for SATB chorus
Nigun Atik
for chorus
Three songs from medieval Jewish life
for SATB chorus
On the death of a child
Song of protest
oi li
Four sephardic songs
for flute and guitar
The History of John Jones
for mixed chorus and piano
The History of John Jones
for SATB chorus, piano, flute, and two percussion
Eddy’s Story
for clarinet, violin, and piano
In Amerike
for mixed chorus and piano
Requiem for a Drummer Boy
for SATB
for percussion and strings
Red River
for orchestra