4 Tatum takeoffs
Op. 176
Mattheson’s circle
op. 177
North shore # 5
op. 160
Their shadows
op. 168
Changing waters #2
op. 170
North shore #6
op. 161
Blues scale #1
op. 136
Blues scale #4
op. 145
North shore #8
op. 167
Flute collage no. 2
3 motifs in 8 layers for 2 flutes and tape
Robin #1
op. 140 : 5 variations on a robin's song
Eastward #1
op. 139
Waves #1
op. 142
Blues scale #5
op. 148
Improvisation op.295
for piano op.295
Indian land
for piano op.299
Three reel studies
for flute and viola
Pale answers
for soprano and flute
Bugs No. 2
for flute, violin, viola and cello
Night people
op. 115
no. 72
Reminiscence II
no. 65
Reminiscence IV
no. 70
Night miniatures
op. 117