Uheksa eesti regilaulud (nine Estonian runo songs)
for female voice and piano
Metsa Maasikad
Wild Strawberries
Songbook volume 1
for a cappella female voice(s)
for orchestra
The growth of music and the invention of storytelling
for narrator and piano trio
Neruda canciones
for soprano solo, madrigal ensemble, lute (doubling baroque guitar), guitar, optional narrator/actor
You are where you are
a song cycle for bass voice and piano quintet
for flute, string quartet and piano
Three Estonian folksongs
for violin and piano
Rilke lieder
for soprano and piano
My angel
for soprano and guitar
for guitar solo
After the panorama
homage to Tórroba
A musical offering
after J.S. Bach
for string quartet and contrabass
Via cruxis
for soprano and keyboard instruments
The flaying of Marsyas
for violin and suspended musician with live electronics
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