Strings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, Quartet (2 Violin/Viola/Cello)
Laser bells
for carillon
Keyboard, Misc. Keyboards, One Keyboard, Two HandsOrchestra/Large Ensemble, String Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Misc Mixed Ensemble SoloistsKeyboard, Harpsichord, One Keyboard, Two HandsElectronics/Multimedia, Solo Works, Plectral StringsStrings, Plectral, Ensemble, Guitar/Lute, DuetStrings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloKroumata Percussion Ensemble (Lan Shui, conductor) and the Singapore Symphony Orchestra perform Jan Järvlepp's Garbage Concerto & Imants Kalnins' Rock Symphony.Garbage concerto
a concerto for recycled garbage and orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Multiple Soloists, Percussion EnsembleFollow the Leader for elementary school band by Jan Jarvlepp
for elementary school band
for elementary school bandGo to Top