This 2nd CD by Gilles Gobeil invites us to his haunting imaginary world.A Second Compilation of Works from the Members of the CECThis disc is more than a collection of short pieces; it presents a synthesis of new electroaccoustic creation as it is practised in all its forms. - Jean-François Denis & Claude SchryerA work realized over a period of 7 years. The meeting of the 2 grand worlds of Gilles Gobeil’s electro and René Lussier’s avant-garde.
Métamorphoses 2002
2e concours biennal de composition acousmatique / 2nd biennial acousmatic composition competition.
2nd biennial acousmatic composition competition.Estelle Lemire, ondes martenot and Adrienne Park, piano. The ondes martenot or ondes musicales ("musical waves") is an electronic musical instrument invented in 1928 by Maurice Martenot.Go to Top