Konstellationen IV
orgel und schlaginstrumente
Récit de deux
pour trois exécutants
Capriccio I
per clavicembalo (parzialmente sopra un frammanto dell’ op. 69:9 di Max Reger)
La passacaille errante
autour Haendel 1985
cathedral music for organ
Constellations #5
Konstellationen V
Alpha – Omega
for mixed choir and organ
a partire da Pachelbel
Trio Sonata (1985)
for free bass accordion, tenor trombone and piano (concert grand)
Quodlibet re Bach
for orchestra
Variations sur un thème de Gilles Vigneault
pour orgue
Symphonia sacra
in tempore passionis
Three dances
quasi una mascherata (for accordion and percussion)
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