Two Voices, with Solo Instrument, Keyboards
Mishkan shalom
Dwelling of peace
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsMishkan shalom
Dwelling of peace
Solo Voice, with Chorus with Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), Woodwinds, Keyboard/Plectral Strings/Strings BowedMi chamocha
who is like unto Thee, O Lord
Solo Voice, with Full Orchestra/ChorusChoral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsChoral (9 with Voices), with Chamber Ensemble (2 - 9 Performers), Keyboard/Strings BowedChoral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsMah y’didot mishk’notecha
How beautiful are thy dwellings
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsMa tovu
How goodly are thy tents, O Jacob
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsLo yareyu
they shall not hurt or destroy
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsLo V’chayil
for solo voice and piano
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsL’fanai taamod
Before me you shall stand
Two Voices, with Chamber Ensemble, Keyboard/Strings BowedL’dor vador
From generation to generation
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsKol Y’mei Chayeinu (All the days of our life)
for solo, chorus, and piano or orchestra
Solo Voice, with Chorus with Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), Woodwinds/Brass/Percussion, Keyboard/Plectral Strings/Strings BowedKi lekach tov – etz chaim hi
It is a tree of life
Choral (9 with Voices), with Full OrchestraKadesheinu Bemitsvotecha
Sanctify us through thy commandmants
Solo Voice, with Chorus with Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), KeyboardsChoral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsHiney Yamim ba-im
Behold, the days come...
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsHin’ni he-ani mimaas
Behold me...trembling and afraid
Solo Voice, with Chorus with Instrumental Ensemble (1-20 Performers), KeyboardsGo to Top