Electronics/Multimedia, Solo Works, Woodwinds
Beyond: for baritone and tape
In memoriam A.H.H.: for tenor, baritone and tape
Solo Voice, with ElectronicsElectronics/Multimedia, Solo Works, Bowed StringsThe Elements and Beyond
Soundscape and Electoacoustic Works by Barry Truax
An electroacoustic opera by Barry Truax.The disc is framed by two works (East Wind and Pacific) that refer to the environment and cultures of the Pacific region, but all of the pieces are influenced by a growing awareness of the interplay between Eastern and Western ideas, just as the world increasingly looks to the Pacific Rim as the new centre of economic activity.Electronics/Multimedia, Solo Works, PercussionElectronics/Multimedia, Solo Works, WoodwindsElectronics/Multimedia, Solo Works, PercussionDominion
for chamber orchestra and two digital soundtracks (stereo)
Electronics/Multimedia, OrchestraGo to Top