Vocalise no.2
for solo clarinet
Woodwinds, Solo/Ensemble, ClarinetVocalise no.2
for solo violin
Strings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, ViolinA wedding toast
for soprano and guitar
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, Plectral StringsA wedding toast
for soprano and string quartet
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Strings BowedVocalise no.2
for solo bassoon
Woodwinds, Solo/Ensemble, BassoonSongs from my garden
book seven
Strings, Plectral, Solo, Guitar/Lute, SoloDiastema
for accordion, viola and percussion
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Trios, Percussion, Keyboard/Bowed StringsVocalise no.2
for solo cello
Strings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, CelloVocalise no.2
for solo viola
Strings, Bowed, Solo/Ensemble, ViolaIcarus, landing
for chamber ensemble (for flute, oboe, clarinet, violin, cello, double bass, piano and percussion)
Mixed Chamber Ensemble (1 to 9 Performers), Octets, Woodwinds/Percussion, Keyboard/Bowed StringsGo to Top