Music when soft voices die
for SATB chorus, solo oboe, and piano
Choral (9 with Voices), with Chamber Ensemble (2 - 9 Performers), Woodwinds, KeyboardsSong
I had a dove and the sweet dove died
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, Strings BowedJe suis la source
[from Trois poemes du musee Jean Aicard]
Choral (9 with Voices), A CapellaReste, o mon dieu, therme
[from Trois poemes du musee Jean Aicard]
Choral (9 with Voices), A CapellaGaia – Earth images
for mixed voices, percussion, and piano
Choral (9 with Voices), with Chamber Ensemble (2 - 9 Performers), Percussion, KeyboardsWinter
from Love's Labours Lost, Act V, for SAB chorus with obbligato cello
Choral (9 with Voices), with Solo Instrument, Strings BowedThe pensive veteran
A reflection of a world war two soldier
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Concert Band/Large Wind EnsemblesOrchestra/Large Ensemble, Full Orchestra (20 or more)Maxwell, Larry Douglas
an elegy for soprano and string quartet
Solo Voice, with Chamber Ensemble, Strings BowedChinese love lyrics
A song cycle for soprano and piano
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsGo to Top