Raga Cha
for four flutes or flute and tape
Woodwinds, Solo/Ensemble, Flute QuartetsElectronics/Multimedia, Chamber Ensemble (2-9 Performers), Brass, KeyboardRag-sextet
for flute, oboe, clarinet, horn, bassoon and piano
Woodwinds, with Keyboard, Misc. Septets, Octets, Nonets with KeyboardRag and Bone
for two pianos
Keyboard, Piano, Two Keyboards, Four or More HandsRafales
for solo oboe
Radio Works
for orchestra
Solo Voice, with Solo Instrument, KeyboardsRadio Days
Three songs from the 1930s
Concerto for percussion and orchestra
Orchestra/Large Ensemble, Orchestra with Soloist, Percussion SoloistGo to Top