1 + 1
twelve easy duets for two recorders
1 + 1
volume 2: 10 piano pieces on well-known songs
1 + 1
volume 2: 20 piano studies for beginners
12 x 12
fugues for piano
20 duos faciles sur des airs de folklore
20 easy folksong duets (pour 2 flûtes à bec soprano)
3 in blue
jazz preludes for piano
A Brevity of Moods
for brass, organ, and percussion
A Bunch of Rowan
for medium voice and piano
A Cradle Hymn
for women's voices a capella
À la claire fontaine
for women's chorus and piano
A Lover and His Lass
for SSAATTBB chorus
A Music Lesson
for voice and piano
A Prayer for Elizabeth
for orchestra
A Quiet Afternoon
for piano and violin
A Slightly Square Round Dance
for piano
A Slightly Square Round Dance
for piano
A Winter’s Tale Ballade for strings = Conte hivernal : ballade pour cordes
For string orchestra
Aegean Sketches
for piano solo
Aegean Sketches
for piano solo
An Occasional Suite
for two trumpets, trombone, horn, and tuba
pour soprano, flûte, clarinette, basson, violon, alto, violoncelle, harpe, et percussion