Child With The Starry Crayon is the result of a collaboration between the ORIANA Women’s Choir and the Toronto District School Board. Six composers were commissioned by the choir to set selected student poetry to music for our special Poetry and Music Project.Dimiter Terziev has proved himself as a versatile pianist and a real master of the piano miniatureDavid French and Louis Simão celebrate the sounds of the world as they combine the power of folkloric music with the improvisational spirit of jazz.On Immaterial Tomas Jirku embodies headphone minimalism through a blend of very subtle, quiet passages constructed from field recordings, drones and stereo effects, combined with layers of his signature minimal-click dub sound.Bruce Pennycook's selected electroacoustic works composed and realized over a period of more than twenty years.
Magic Breath
English, Yiddish and Hebrew Arts Songs
Helen Medwedeff Greenberg's recording, Magic Breath is full of musical colour, emotion and life.Go to Top