• Fluences

    Alan Stellings and Greg Paskaruk formed impromp2 cello and piano duo to explore ways of bringing together their many musical interests and influences.
  • The Last Lp

    Unique Last Recordings Of The Music Of Ancient Cultures

    In 1987, Snow issued The Last LP (Art Metropole), which purported to be a documentary disc of the dying gasps of ethnic musical cultures from around the globe including Tibet, Syria, India, China Brazil, Finland and elsewhere.
  • The Evergreen Club is an ensemble of eight musicians who perform on a collection of bronze, wood, bamboo and stringed instruments. Together these instruments are known as a gamelan, which has been an important part of Indonesian musical life for centuries.
  • Mr. Underhill writes: "I have long been fascinated by the unusual and poetic place-names for lunar features which were created by Johannes Ricciocoli in the mid-17th century. One such name is the 'Bay of Dew' or 'Sinus Roris' in Latin. The 'Bay of Dew' is in fact a crater on the moon, but in my mind, I envisaged a tiny body of water that had been entirely created by the gradual collection of precious drops of dew as they formulated in the early morning hours."
  • Sinfonia

    Compositions by Ray Twomey

  • "These mature works point the way toward an integration of the folk and structuralist elements of Western music at the end of the twentieth century. Clearly the ideas of nationalism have not died, as long as composers such as Neceski continue to use their ethnic roots as a basis for their art." - Menon Dwarka
  • Journey Begun is a musical “genre-bender,” bringing together a folk/blusey singer, funk/classical pianist, groove/new music guitarist, classical/jazz bassist, and classical string quartet to create new musical fusions which set unique colors for this refreshing collection of Canadian and American poetry.
  • Dancing Rivers

    from South Africa to Canada

    Carol Anne Weaver's third CD, Dancing Rivers - From South Africa to Canada, is adventurous, unique, ground breaking.


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