Sometimes The Devil Plays Fate
Paul Frehner's Sometimes the Devil Plays Fate
Le deuxième album studio de Carmen Braden intitulé Songs of the Invisible Summer Stars (Chansons des étoiles invisibles d’été), célèbre ses pièces pour musique de chambre – allant des duos jusqu’au septuor (pièce-titre).Soundspinning calls attention to some of Southam’s rarely heard gems, going back as far as 1963. Virtuosic torrents of notes, 12 tone meditations and monumental, chordal pieces all demonstrate her compositional mastery and creativity.Srul Irving Glick
Canadian Composers Portraits
Srul Irving Glick's (1934 – 2002) musical depictions of Jewish life in his Suites Hébraïques are particularly vivid examples of his chamber music. Glick wrote for many other genres, including art song, choral and symphonic music, but these six suites contain much of his very finest work.Summer Night
et autres chansons pour voix et piano
Le Canadian Art Song Project présente le tout premier enregistrement entièrement consacré aux chansons de Healey Willan, mettant en vedette ses grands succès ainsi que plusieurs pièces moins connues, avec le baryton Peter Barrett, la soprano Martha Guth, la mezzo-soprano Allyson McHardy et la pianiste Helen Becqué.Go to Top