The Scottish Play
Electronic visions of Macbeth
01 _ Overture 6:27 / 02_ Thane of Cawdor 2:33 / 03_ Three Weird Sisters 1:29
04_ The Homecoming 1:25 / 05_ The Night of Banquo’s Murder 2:14
06_ An Unwelcome Guest 4:37 / 07_ The Pit of Archeron 2:20
08_ Eight Crowned Kings 7:14 / 09_ The Lady Walks at Night 1:32
10_ The Coming of Prince Malcolm 2:11 / 11_ Dunisnane Hill 2:02
12_ A Gathering at Birnam Wood 3:00 / 13_ The Woods are Moving 4:17
14_ The Fruitless Crown 2:16 / 15_ The Battle of Dusinane 1:23
16_ Not of Woman Born 5:51 / 17_ King Malcolm Ascends 3:11
“This adaptation was intended to emphasize the allegorical nature of
Shakespeare’s shortest play. Set in a timeless environment in which the
concept of pre-destination is at war with free will, this production sees
the tragic core of the play as revolving around a man and a woman who,
blinded by their ambition, fundamentally misunderstand the essential
relationship between these two timeless ideas.
The sounds of the play are timeless and constant. They consist of both
musical underscoring and as sound effects that create the environment
of the animate world and soundscapes that create the feel of the world
that surrounds the main story – a world that is both frightening and
beautiful within the same breath.”
— Brian Richmond