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« Soundstreams has kicked off their 41st s Cecilia Livingston eason with their presentation of The Bright Divide. A brand new programme featuring compositions by Morton Feldman and Cecilia Livingston with Duncan McFarlane, The Bright Divide is an immersive, multi-faceted experience at the new TD Music Hall. Full of passion and meaning, The Bright Divide is the perfect way to start off another season of Soundstreams…

…After intermission comes the world premiere of “mark” composed by Cecilia Livingston with text by Duncan McFarlane. This piece was specially commissioned to be a companion piece to Feldman’s work, and I think this duo did that perfectly. Not only did the choir move around the room, creating several different soundscapes purely with their voices, there’s also a featured soloist, Alex Samaras, who got to show his astounding vocal range, along with his acting prowess. Samaras plays a man who is on a journey into the bright divide to find life, but there’s none to be found. However, when he returns to his world he finds that life is bigger and brighter than he had noticed before. With nods to the Feldman piece combined with beautiful melodies and haunting poetry, “mark” is both a companion and elevation of its inspiration… »